OpenPlant Modeler Help

Consistency Checker Report Viewer

Displays the results when a Consistency Checker Report is run.

Accessed from:
Report Instances The left pane displays a navigation tree which lists the instances from the imodel(s) and the active drawing which have been identified by the consistency checker report as being modified, missing, or matching, depending on the options which were selected in the Consistency Report Checker dialog. Separate nodes are displayed for each drawing.

Missing instances nodes are available for both the 2D and 3D models.

  • MissingInstances_2D: Lists all remaining 2D instances available in attached i-model and not available in 3D. (See example below)
  • MissingInstances_3D: Lists all 3D instances available in current dgn but not available in the attached i-model.

Report Details The right pane lists the details of the reported instances such as the properties of the component which has been modified as well as the differences between the original values and the current values.

Properties that have been modified display in Red. The current values are also listed in Red while the original values are listed in Blue. (See main image above)

Sync Differences The Sync Differences option lets the user synchronize the 3D components with any updates which may have been made in the 2D model.

When this option is selected, the Sync Differences dialog displays listing the modifications which can be selected (individually or in bulk) and synchronized with the 3D instances in the current drawing.

Note: Note this option is only available when the Only compare shared properties is selected in the Consistency Checker Report dialog and the shared properties have been identified in the Project Administrator.
Synchronize Changes to 2D Components